Waiver Requirements and FAA Guidelines and Applications

UAV technology can transform any commercial and civil operation. However, the use of UAVs remains one of the most highly regulated environments in the world since it relies on the use of increasingly congested airspace. Our decades of experience in the UAV industry at the military, municipal, and commercial levels allow us to help you navigate this complex regulatory environment. 

We provide consultation and assistance for filing a Certificate of Authorization or Waiver (COA) or filing an FAA FORM 8130-6, APPLICATION FOR U.S. AIRWORTHINESS CERTIFICATE (Experimental, UAV: Research and Development, Crew Training or Market Survey). Do not let the complexity of legal hurdles or regulatory agencies deter you from revolutionizing your operation. Our job is to help you overcome logistical and regulatory hurdles and transform your organization through the use of UAV technology. 

If you think that UAVs might make your organization safer or more effective, but do not know where to begin, contact us to set up a free, no-obligation consultation. UAVs are a revolutionary emerging technology. You do not have to have all the answers to start thinking about how they can be used to improve what you do. It is our job to have the answers. Whether you are concerned about which UAS to use, how they can be implemented, or how you can get approval for them, we are here to help. The world is changing quickly and UAV technologies are one of the factors accelerating these changes. Do not get left behind because you did not take the time to talk with the foremost experts on the civil and commercial applications of UAVs.